
Complexity Report


Total: 22

empty-blocks: 1

EmptyFunctionBlock: 1 Empty block of code detected. As they serve no purpose they should be removed. Documentation

naming: 18

FunctionNaming: 10 Function names should follow the naming convention set in the configuration. Documentation
MatchingDeclarationName: 2 If a source file contains only a single non-private top-level class or object, the file name should reflect the case-sensitive name plus the .kt extension. Documentation
PackageNaming: 6 Package names should match the naming convention set in the configuration. Documentation

style: 3

ForbiddenComment: 1 Flags a forbidden comment. Documentation
MagicNumber: 2 Report magic numbers. Magic number is a numeric literal that is not defined as a constant and hence it's unclear what the purpose of this number is. It's better to declare such numbers as constants and give them a proper name. By default, -1, 0, 1, and 2 are not considered to be magic numbers. Documentation
generated with detekt version 1.22.0 on 2023-03-05 09:07:27 UTC.